About Us
Who We Are
UST India is a highly regarded Information Technology organization founded in Delhi. Since then UST India has been providing a full range of innovative and cost effective IT services and solutions that focus on satisfying client needs worldwide.
UST India is a subsidiary of Universal System Technologies, Inc. (USA) with its headquarters in Michigan USA.
UST India takes immense pride in its growth and successful performance to date, which can be directly attributed to our customer's satisfaction and confidence in our services.
The company's goal is to be a world class global provider of Information Technology
What We Do
UST provides business software, IT services and solutions to business and government.
As ERP and Business Intelligence specialists, UST offers an expanded portfolio of SAP solutions for government, education, utilities and private industry. As a SAP Channel Partner, UST is an authorized VAR for SAP All In One ERP software and SAP Business Objects business intelligence software.
UST has also developed some of its own software products. UST CMS (Campus Management System) and ECS (Examination Control System) solutions are available for Educational segment (Universities, Colleges and Schools) for customers only in India.
UST has developed a few complementary products for SAP customers. Examples are Barcode/RFID Integration Software for SAP which can be used by Automotive/Discrete Manufacturing Companies and the RRT (Rates Rollover Tool) Software for Higher Education Customers who are using SAP SLCM (Student Life Cycle Management) product.
We offer a full suite of Information Technology services and solutions including but not limited to ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Implementation, Project Management, System Consulting, EAI (Enterprise Application Integration), Application Development, Migration & Re-Engineering, Business Process Management, Data Warehousing, Data Management, Business Intelligence, Application Maintenance, Networking and Support. UST is fully capable of handling any work volume small, medium and large since our business model is laid on a scalable infrastructure driven by the latest technology, quality people and recognized standard processes.
As a SAP Service Partner UST provides turnkey solutions and complete implementation life cycle support.
One of the special things we do at UST is to provide the very best SAP implementation, consulting and support. We have extensive technical and functional expertise in SAP with competencies in many business domains like Government, K12 School Districts, Higher Education, Manufacturing, Automotive, Utilities, Retail, and Banking.
Universal System Technologies takes pride in having an impeccable record of completing all its projects successfully whether it involved T&M (Time and Materials) based consulting engagements or full scale turnkey implementations which spanned and encapsulated the entire software development process from the stages of requirement definition, systems design, application development, to systems implementation and maintenance. We have more than eleven years of proven track record of successfully delivering innovative business and technology services to numerous satisfied clients in business, government and industry.
UST has developed pre-configured, rapid deployment SAP ERP solutions for the following Industries based on SAP All In One software:
- Manufacturing/Automotiv
- Public Sector Government
- Higher Education
- K12 School Districts
- Utilities
Mission Statement
Our mission is to be a global information technology leader who can provide innovative technology solutions, creative software and value added consulting services to solve complex business problems, achieve optimum efficiencies and help our customers gain the competitive edge.
Sanjay Prasad
CEO & Founder
Sanjay Prasad started UST in 1993 with the goal of creating a distinctive technology & management consulting firm which would deliver superior knowldge and value to its clients. Over the last 17 years UST has made tremendous progress to energe as a leading vendor for information technology and system integration services to the Government, K12, Higher Education, Utilities, Manufacturing, Engineering and Pharmaceuticals industries. He is involved with the corporate planning, strategy, business development and other crtical decision making. Sanjay started his career with Tata Engineering and Locomotive Company (TELCO, now TATA Motors) in India and then worked as a Consultant in Insurance, Banking and Government sectors in USA. He has a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Computer Science from Birla Institute of Technology (BIT) in MESRA-Ranchi (India), and a Master's degree in Computer Science from Wayne State University in Detroit (USA).
Dr. A. K. Sinha
Dr. A. K. Sinha is one of the members of the Advisory Board of Universal Systems Technology,Inc,USA .Holds Ph.D degree in Systems Modeling from IIT Delhi ,M.Tech (Control System) from IIT Delhi and B.Sc.Engineering from Bihar University. He has 35 years of teaching , research and consultancy experience .Guided 7 Ph.D and more than 30 M.Tech scholars. He has consultancy experience with
  1. Planning Commission, Government of India, New Delhi August 1977-June 1979 Transport Policy Planning for India. This Project was sponsored by UNDP .
  2. Indian Institute of Data Processing, Muzaffarpur, Bihar, India July 1989 - May 1999 Design and development of application software for Insurance, Commercial and Banking organizations.
What We Offer
ERP and CRM Services
For almost fifteen years now UST has been heavily involved in the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) arena providing value added implementation and consulting services. Our services range from full scale turnkey implementations to spot consulting in specialized areas.
About our SAP Services UST is a SAP Services Partner and a leading systems integrator and implementer of SAP based solutions. Since 1996, UST has focused heavily on providing SAP based ERP and CRM solutions and we have a proven track record of providing outstanding services in this area. UST specializes in ERP implementation in the Automotive and the Public Sector.
System Integration
UST offers system integration expertise from project concept to completion including total integration of hardware and software across the enterprise that will maximize your ROI (return on investment). UST can be your one stop shop for business solutions including feasibility studies, analysis, design, installation, production, knowledge transfer and maintenance.
IT Consulting
When a customer does not want a full scale turnkey solution or outsourcing, it may choose to bring in our experts as consultants to fulfill specialized roles in conjunction with their own IT team. Consultants bring in a high level of system and/or business expertise, which may not be available internally within an organization and strategically make a great difference between the success or failure of a project. Ever since our inception in 1993, we have been offering Information Technology specialists with the most current state of the art skills that are needed to meet our client’s requirements and their dynamic information technology environments. Our consultants have had an immaculate and an impeccable record of completing all projects successfully through technical expertise that encompasses a broad range of system development skills; from concept definition to systems development to integration, testing and implementation. Universal System Technologies recognizes that building and sustaining a strong project team is a major factor in the success of any engagement. Our consultants come in different roles like System Analysts, Programmer Analysts, Database Administrators, Project Managers, Network Administrators, Support Analysts, Web Developers, Systems Administrators, QA Testers, Business Analysts, Operations Analysts, Help Desk Analysts and Information Architects. We have a consultant to fill up virtually any IT role.
Management Consulting
Our management consulting practice focuses on advising clients on solving their complex business problems, improving performance and realizing operational efficiencies to help them transform into better managed and more profitable enterprises. We do this by having our expert consultants work closely with our clients and share their unbiased outsider's perspective along with the best business practices.
PMO Services
Our Project Management Services are designed to help organizations relieve themselves of the day-to-day responsibilities of managing any IT project initiative. We will provide a single point-of-contact to coordinate and manage all aspects of the project implementation services delivering the IT solution as per your needs. During implementation, UST will serve as your single point-of-contact and will manage all the project resources which may optionally include management of your third-party vendors and suppliers. UST project managers create a comprehensive implementation plan, and help expedite project implementation. They supervise critical time frames and effectively manage changes to help enable timely deployment and avoid any cost overrun. Project managers manage all your requirements, milestones and deliverables to help minimize delays and cost increases. In addition, they coordinate the resources and service activities necessary to successfully implement a solution that meets your expectations.
Application Development
UST develops custom application software tailored to your strict business needs. Even though COTS (commercial Off-the-shelf) solutions are available for a wide range of business applications - still, there are numerous situations in which the client cannot find an existing packaged solution or the requirements are so specialized that no existing package can adequately address the problem and provide all the needed functionalities. That’s the ideal business case for developing a custom application and UST can provide application development services for a wide variety of platforms, using a range of development tools utilizing industry accepted methodologies. UST can analyze your system requirements and develop a totally customized application from scratch to support your business goals. In a more general sense application development may also refer to any type of new custom programming effort for a variety of tasks such as reporting, interface programming, data conversion, data migration, data processing, online transaction processing, database inquiry/updates and endless other computer applications.
Migration Services
Very often organizations make the strategic decision to change their computing platforms and embrace a new hardware platform and/or a new software environment. This introduces several new issues of vital importance which must be addressed to maintain business continuity and successful integration. UST has solid experience in this area and can help in making Application Migration smooth and painless by providing the following: >Business Process Impact Analysis >Code Conversion >Unit and Integration Testing >Data conversion >Implementation
Maintenance and Support
UST has wealth of experience in providing application maintenance and support services. In maintaining applications we have improved systems’ performance by re-engineering the code and processes; integrating quality controls into your support life cycle processes to increase system
stability; creating enhancements to your existing functionality to accommodate new business requirements; and assisting with technical writing to standardize your vital technical and user procedures. We have a well-defined maintenance process and have the expertise to maintain large and complex applications that are implemented at multiple locations.
System Re-engineering
Over the years companies and organizations have made huge investments in IT systems that run their core business. These systems have been refined and perfected over the years and today many of these systems are the bread and butter of these enterprises. However, over time technology has changed and so have the ways of doing business and so what do you do with your ‘so called ‘legacy’ IT systems ? You can take a revolutionary approach and replace them entirely which might be very risk prone and expensive with costs involving everything from new hardware to software to change management and user retraining. The alternative is to take a less drastic evolutionary approach where you preserve your existing systems and try to “re-engineer” them to adapt to new business needs and make them technologically advanced to compete with the modern day marketplace. That’s the typical scenario for a company needing System Re-engineering services.
Business Process Management
UST offers end-to-end Business Process Management services to help companies analyze, re-engineer, improve and automate business processes. We have a team of excellent Business Analysts and System Analysts who will interact closely with the client in reviewing and analyzing their business processes and workflows. In this close interactive process UST can document and suggest improvements to the workflow to make the process more efficient and also suggest automation strategy for manual processes with the right tools and methodologies. As part of Business Process Re-engineering we become involved in the design, improvement and implementation of integrated systems of people, processes, infrastructure and technology. The main objective of the practice is to increase company profits by increasing productivity at optimum cost and we believe that such a process design will inevitably serve the different areas of importance to all the different business departments. Our business processes re-engineering eliminates waste, improves businesses time-to-market, and increases productivity. The re-engineering process is initiated through an in-house consultation, where we thoroughly examine business processes including how businesses process and fulfill orders, service customers, and track information throughout the company. We look at the business impact of your processes on your production, customer service, sales, and marketing departments as well.
Data Management
We offer a suite of services to capture, cleanse, validate and transform your data. The goal of these services is to improve the quality, accuracy, consistency and integrity of data, which in turn enhances the reliability and the efficiency of the overall computer system employing that data.
Network and System Support
In today’s workplace networking is so common and prevalent that even small and medium sized companies have implemented networking in some form or the other. More and more companies are heavily dependent upon successful operation of their network for their mission critical business functions.
UST has a specialized team that has extensive experience in providing GIS (Geographic Information System) services specially in conjunction with ARC/INFO and MAP/INFO line of products.
Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence (BI) Systems are basically decision support systems that provide analytical data and reporting tools to support and improve the decision-making process. Business Intelligence helps create business roadmaps to deliver solutions for business analysis which includes data models, meta-data and analytical applications. By having these roadmaps, we deliver superior business value through better ROI (return on investment), time value by enabling faster solution delivery, and technical value through open database enablement.
We offer a comprehensive services portfolio to clients for new and existing businesses to serve their enterprise integration requirements, both internal and external to the organization. We embrace 'Build by Integration' as a core theme to develop and deploy e-integration solutions to leverage existing investments in IT infrastructure. We architect these solutions upon a solid foundation of 'right-mix' of off-the-shelf products/frameworks and custom development. We can deliver e-integration solutions based on a variety of platforms such as Microsoft, Sun and IBM. Our processes and competence groups are ramped up to deliver business solutions based on the products and technologies from industry leaders in these domains. Our activities and deliverables are planned in a phased manner to optimize our Onsite/Offshore model.
Offshore Outsourcing
Organizations around the world are outsourcing many of their ‘non-core, non-critical processes’, in an attempt to understand fully their true core competencies, and focus on only those competencies. Business process outsourcing has become the new imperative. Gartner defines Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) as the “Delegation of one or more IT-intensive business processes to an external provider that in turn owns, administers and manages the selected process(es) based on defined and measurable performance criteria.”
Education and Training
UST provides customized knowledge transfer and end user training for our customers as per their special needs and demands. Generally, our training and education services are bundled as a part of our total system integration solution, but occasionally it can be offered separately as well.
SAP Business All In One

Take your business to new heights - with SAP ERP solutions for SMEs
Drive innovation and automate your core processes with SAP Business All-in-One. These comprehensive, industry-specific ERP solutions for fast-growing small or medium enterprises (SMEs) can help manage every aspect of your business - from financials and HR to sales and procurement. These affordable solutions are designed to fit your needs - both now and in the future.
>Develop innovative products and services for new and existing markets
>Achieve operational excellence with streamlined logistics and manufacturing
>Improve financial performance with tighter internal controls and insights
>Connect headquarters, subsidiaries, and partners in a single network
>Add CRM, supplier relationship management, and BI functionality as you grow
Solution Details
Enterprise Resource Planning - ERP
Support and streamline your core business processes - from financials and accounting to human resources, operations, and corporate services.
>Create accurate financial statements and integrate all operative transactions
>Boost customer satisfaction by consistently meeting demand and enhancing service
>Improve product lifecycle management and manufacturing operations
>Get real-time business insights with powerful reporting and analytics
>Increase operational transparency and comply with evolving regulatory standards
Customer Relationship Management - CRM
Effectively manage all aspects of your customer relationships - with functionality to help improve and align your marketing, sales, and service operations.
>Drive customer demand, boost loyalty, and increase marketing ROI
>Identify, win, grow, and maintain profitable sales relationships
>Increase service revenue and profitability
>Generate more leads and close more deals with reporting and analytics
Supplier Relationship Management - SRM
Improve your bottom line. Cut procurement costs, build collaborative supplier relationships, streamline purchasing and sourcing processes, and more.
>Manage procure-to-pay processes in one, unified solution
>Enable self-service procurement and automated workflows
>Find the best source of supply and increase purchasing power
>Leverage built-in best practices and preconfigured roles
>Lower total cost of ownership by running SRM and ERP on the same server
Business Intelligence - BI
Get the real-time insights you need to make faster, more informed decisions - with tools for financial and operational reporting and analysis.
>Meet rigorous reporting requirements for financial accounting, logistics, and CRM
>Plan, measure, and control organizational processes
>Access virtually any available ERP report
>Integrate data with desktop applications
SAP Best Practices
Benefit from industry-specific configuration and best practices - based on SAP's 40 years of experience with companies in 24 industries worldwide.
>Minimize the staff required to manage evaluation and implementation
>Reduce implementation time and cost with streamlined configuration
>Decrease risk and stay on budget with preconfigured process templates
SAP NetWeaver Technology Platform
Quickly and cost-effectively add on to your existing solution as your business grows and your needs change - with the SAP NetWeaver platform.
>Get a business-focused infrastructure that supports continuous process improvements
>Benefit from an intuitive, integrated, and efficient user experience
SAP Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (SAP Sybase ASE)
Obtain unprecedented value along with a road map of continuous innovation through the preferred transactional database for SAP Business All-in-One.
>Gain predictability, consistency, and scalability via a high-performance, stable database as your business grows
>Simplify database monitoring, management, and maintenance lowering your total cost of ownership
>Save on support costs through product release cycles synchronized with and optimized for SAP Business All-in-One
SAP Business Intelligence

Achieve Remarkable Results with SAP Business intelligence Solutions
Make fact-based decisions throughout your organization by relying on our business intelligence solutions. Easily access relevant information when and wherever you need it to better understand your business, act quickly and confidently and ultimately achieve remarkable results.
>Provide intuitive, self-service access to business information
>Enable informed and rapid decisions based on reliable and real-time business data
>Maximize visibility into the performance of your business network
>Simplify deployment and optimized use of IT infrastructure and resources
Business Intelligence Solution
SAP BusinessObjects Analysis, edition for OLAP
Perform analysis of multidimensional data sources in an intuitive web-based environment so you can quickly answer complex business questions.
>Uncover deep business insights without the help of a database administrator
>Share business insights with peers in a fixed or interactive web format
>Run multidimensional analytics on one common business intelligence platform
>Improve user adoption while optimizing your return on your IT investment
SAP BusinessObjects Analysis, edition for Microsoft Office
Easily analyze, digest, and share data from multidimensional sources in a Microsoft Office environment.
>Use powerful analytics to discover, compare, and forecast business drivers in Excel
>Share business insights and analysis in live PowerPoint presentations
>Increase user productivity and autonomy with higher adoption rates
>Transition users of the SAP BEx analyzer tool to next-generation BI from SAP
SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence
Answer new and evolving business questions with self-service ad-hoc reporting and analysis on the web, your desktop, or a mobile device.
>Drill, slice-and-dice, and format information based on your business needs
>Use simple drag-and-drop features to create interactive reports
>Combine data from different sources to get answers to your business questions
>Set-up data alerts so you are on top of the information that matters
>Share trusted insights with business partners and customers
SAP Predictive Analysis
Uncover trends, patterns, hidden risks, and untapped opportunities - with SAP Predictive Analysis you can transform the future with powerful insights.
>Work in your existing data environment as well as the SAP business intelligence platform
>Complete predictive modeling faster with our drag-and-drop visual interface
>Improve business forecasting and strategic planning
SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards
Get instant access to clear, understandable metrics, so you can see your key performance indicators at glance and know what's driving your business.
>Enable streaming real-time data for better decision making
>Create dashboards from many data sources and publish them in user friendly outputs
>Deploy and push adoption faster with intuitive visualizations and templates
SAP BusinessObjects
Explorer Explore your business at the speed of thought - with immediate and interactive discovery of relevant information.
>Search all business intelligence sources and resources
>Increase user autonomy with self-service discovery of relevant information
>Uncover connections and trends with intuitive visualization tools
>Add search and exploration functionality quickly for a rapid return on investment
SAP BusinessObjects Explorer Mobile App
Get secure access to critical business intelligence on any device, whenever and wherever you need it.
>Analyze key metrics and uncover data trends on the go
>Instantly search and explore big data on your smartphone, iPhone, or iPad
>Share business insights instantly with others
>Take advantage of stunning visualizations for improved understanding and analysis
>SAP Visual Intelligence Tap into your data - big and small -and quickly discover unique insight without IT's help.
>Access and combine enterprise and personal data in a repeatable, self-service way
>Transform and enrich your data in seconds - no script required
>Discover unique insight using beautiful, engaging visualizations
>Get real-time answers to your business questions - on any volume of data
SAP BusinessObjects Mobile App
Empower everyone in your organization to know in the moment, take action, and deliver results from anywhere with business intelligence solutions delivered to your mobile device.
>Access your essential business intelligence reports on the go
>View insights through graphs, charts, and tables on a mobile device
>Run better with personalized reports, dashboards, analytics, and key metrics
SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform
Make it easy to discover and share insight with a business intelligence platform that gives you flexibility, scalability, and function.
>Increase the range of data accessible to business users
>Reduce IT workload with simplified maintenance and administration options
>Integrate all enterprise data regardless of format or location
>Centrally manage, control, and configure your BI deployment
SAP BusinessObjects Integration
Access, combine, and consolidate relevant data from enterprise applications - and transform it into usable business intelligence.
>Ensure data security and compliance
>Access user friendly reports, visualizations, and dashboards
>Integrate business intelligence into existing application workflows and portals
>Gain deeper insight from your existing data
SAP BusinessObjects Live Office
Give your employees the tools they need to embed up-to-date business intelligence into familiar Microsoft Office documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.
>Increase user autonomy by securely exposing corporate data in Microsoft Office
>Simplify information consumption and cut IT dependency - for faster responsiveness
>Extend BI platform security to any Microsoft Office user
>Reduce BI delivery costs by using your existing content, metadata, and user base
>Dynamically refresh and update information directly in your MS Office documents
SAP Streamwork
Bring together people, information, and business methods with SAP Streamwork - for collaborative decision making and meaningful results.
>Improve individual and team productivity
>Provide complete visibility into how decisions are made for improved outcomes
>Gain structure with tools for planning, brainstorming, and strategizing
>Stay in sync with automatic notifications, activity streams, and action items
SAP BusinessObjects BI OnDemand
Explore, report, and share your data with this complete, intuitive, and powerful business intelligence solution delivered on demand.
>Get up and running quickly without time-consuming IT deployment
>Benefit from easy integration with existing applications
>Give employees self-service to BI search, share, and report functionality
Business Intelligence Solutions for Small and Medium Enterprises
Turn your data into trusted information with business intelligence packaged and priced specifically for midsize companies.
>Take advantage of operational reporting, ad hoc query and analysis, dashboards, and visualization
>Rely on best-in class data quality and integration
>Get the insight you need to make better decisions throughout your business
ESRI Geographic Information System (GIS) Integration
Combine geographic visualization content from the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) with SAP BI software - for deeper business insights.
>Improve location intelligence with spatial data reporting and analytics
>Enhance customer service with installable, configurable, and supported products
>Gain bidirectional integration for side-by-side presentations of maps and reports
>Rely on tight security configuration with SAP BusinessObjects software solutions
High-Performance Analytics Package
Put big data to work for you with a combination of market-leading data integration, data management, and BI in a complete, high-performance analytics package.
>Analyze massive volumes of data with superior performance and scalability
>Leverage analytics tailored to your industry and/or line of business needs
>Reduce the complexity of your IT landscape and minimize total cost of ownership

UST and Automotive (Manufacturing)
UST has an extensive and proven track record of working with Automotive (Manufacturing) industry especially when it comes to SAP implementation, consulting and support. Automotive and discrete manufacturing is one of our focus industries and our past experience working with Automotive (Manufacturing) OEMS and Suppliers has given us a great insight into their business processes and unique requirements.
Automotive (Manufacturing) Solution Brief
Based on its extensive domain expertise built in the process of working with numerous Automotive (Manufacturing) customers has allowed UST to build a custom industry specific solution that caters to the specific needs of this industry. UST*Automotive*Enterprise. As a part of its collaborative business partnership with SAP, UST has created a group of industry specific solutions based on SAP's world class software (UST*Enterprise Series) - Automotive being one of them. The goal of the UST*Enterprise Series is to provide the most comprehensive, robust and highly integrated industry specific solution which not only offers total automation across the enterprise but can also be deployed rapidly and cost effectively.
In building the SAP based Automotive (Manufacturing) solution, UST started out with SAP's All In One ERP solution and has pre-configured it with the best industry practices recommended by SAP and UST's own past experience working with automotive OEMS and suppliers. In packaging a total solution, UST has integrated a lot of different software, modules, and components so that they all seamlessly work together. However, UST has not stopped there but decided to enhance the solution further. To create additional value, UST has bridged many business gaps and incorporated several new enhancements, reports and interfaces which are unique for the Automotive (Manufacturing) industry.
Solution Benefits
>UST has pre-configured and pre-packaged the system with industry specific best business practices, which means that a rapid Implementation methodology can be followed.
>Reduced Implementation Times, faster go live
>Reduced Implementation cost, making SAP affordable and budget friendly
>Enterprise Wide Business Process Templates: based upon SAP recommended industry best practices that can be employed as starting point for your process transformation.
>Data Migration Templates: to facilitate data mapping from the legacy to SAP system and facilitate the data migration process.
>Documentation Templates provided for training and knowledge transfer
>The licensing for the All In One SAP solution is done differently and is very reasonably priced.
Target Customer
Discrete Manufacturing companies specially automotive suppliers, preferably with operating budget of 50 Million USD - 500 Million USD.
Application Modules and Business Functionality
>Finance and Controlling
>Materials Management
>Sales and Distribution
>Production Planning
>Warehouse Management
>Quality Management
>Product Lifecycle Management
>Plant Maintenance
>Project Systems
>HCM (HR/Payroll)
>CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
>Business Intelligence
>Numerous Reports and Interfaces
>EDI Interface
>Barcode/RFID Interface
Implementation Timeframe
16 weeks - 24 weeks
Please call for price quote. We will need to assess your organizational and system requirements before we can give you a price quote.

UST and Public Sector (Government)
UST has an extensive and proven track record of working with Public Sector (Government) especially when it comes to SAP implementation, consulting and support. UST specializes in providing SAP based solutions to the Government/Public Sector including Higher Education and K12 School Districts. Our past experience working with Public Sector (Government) has given us a great insight into their business processes and unique requirements. For the purposes of this solution, by Public Sector (Government) we are primarily referring to local (City/County) government but also including any other government agencies whose business operations are similar to that of City/County.
Public Sector (Government) Solution Brief
Based on its extensive domain expertise built in the process of working with numerous Public Sector (Government) has allowed UST to build a custom industry specific solution - UST*Government*Enterprise. As a part of its collaborative business partnership with SAP, UST has created a group of industry specific solutions based on SAP's world class software (UST*Enterprise Series) - Public Sector (Government) being one of them. The goal of the UST*Enterprise Series is to provide the most comprehensive, robust and highly integrated industry specific solution which not only offers total automation across the enterprise but can also be deployed rapidly and cost effectively.
In building the SAP based Public Sector (Government) solution, UST started out with SAP's All In One ERP solution and has pre-configured it with the best industry practices recommended by SAP and UST's own past experience working with Public Sector (Government). In packaging a total solution, UST has integrated a lot of different software, modules, and components so that they all seamlessly work together. However, UST has not stopped there but decided to enhance the solution further. To create additional value, UST has bridged many business gaps and incorporated several new enhancements, reports and interfaces which are unique for the Public Sector (Government)..
Solution Benefits
>UST has pre-configured and pre-packaged the system with industry specific best business practices, which means that a rapid Implementation methodology can be followed.
>Reduced Implementation Times, faster go live
>Reduced Implementation cost, making SAP affordable and budget friendly
>Enterprise Wide Business Process Templates: based upon SAP recommended industry best practices that can be employed as starting point for your process transformation.
>Data Migration Templates: to facilitate data mapping from the legacy to SAP system and facilitate the data migration process.
>Documentation Templates provided for training and knowledge transferThe licensing for the All In One SAP solution is done differently and is very reasonably priced.
Target Customer
Public Sector (Government) - City/County or similar government agencies, preferably with operating budget of 50 Million USD - 500 Million USD.
Application Modules and Business Functionality
>Finance and Controlling
>Funds Management
>Treasury and Risk Management
>Materials Management
>Sales and Distribution
>Plant Maintenance
>Project Systems
>HCM (HR/Payroll)
>CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
>Business Intelligence
>Numerous Reports and Interfaces
Implementation Timeframe
24 weeks - 30 weeks
Please call for price quote. We will need to assess your organizational and system requirements before we can give you a price quote.

UST and K12 Schools
UST has an extensive and proven track record of working with K12 School Districts especially when it comes to SAP implementation, consulting and support. UST specializes in providing SAP based solutions to the Government/Public Sector including Higher Education and K12 School Districts. Our past experience working with K12 schools has given us a great insight into their business processes and unique requirements.
K12 Solution Brief
Based on its extensive domain expertise built in the process of working with numerous K12 school districts has allowed UST to build a custom industry specific solution - UST*K12*Enterprise. As a part of its collaborative business partnership with SAP, UST has created a group of industry specific solutions based on SAP's world class software (UST*Enterprise Series) - K12 being one of them. The goal of the UST*Enterprise Series is to provide the most comprehensive, robust and highly integrated industry specific solution which not only offers total automation across the enterprise but can also be deployed rapidly and cost effectively.
In building the SAP based K12 solution, UST started out with SAP's All In One ERP solution and has pre-configured it with the best industry practices recommended by SAP and UST's own past experience working with K12. In packaging a total solution, UST has integrated a lot of different software, modules, and components so that they all seamlessly work together. However, UST has not stopped there but decided to enhance the solution further. To create additional value, UST has bridged many business gaps and incorporated several new enhancements, reports and interfaces which are unique for the K12.
Solution Benefits
>UST has pre-configured and pre-packaged the system with industry specific best business practices, which means that a rapid Implementation methodology can be followed.
>Reduced Implementation Times, faster go live
>Reduced Implementation cost, making SAP affordable and budget friendly
>Enterprise Wide Business Process Templates: based upon SAP recommended industry best practices that can be employed as starting point for your process transformation.
>Data Migration Templates: to facilitate data mapping from the legacy to SAP system and facilitate the data migration process.
>Documentation Templates provided for training and knowledge transfer
>The licensing for the All In One SAP solution is done differently and is very reasonably priced.
Target Customer
K12 school districts, preferably with operating budget of 50 Million USD - 500 Million USD.
Application Modules and Business Functionality
>Finance and Controlling
>Materials Management
>Sales and Distribution
>Plant Maintenance
>Project Systems
>HCM (HR/Payroll)
>Student Life Cycle Management
>CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
>Portal and e-governance
>Business Intelligence
>Numerous Reports and Interfaces
Implementation Timeframe
16 weeks - 24 weeks
Please call for price quote. We will need to assess your organizational and system requirements before we can give you a price quote.

UST and Higher Education & Research
UST has an extensive and proven track record of working with Higher Education & Research organizations (Universities, Academic/Research Institutions) especially when it comes to SAP implementation, consulting and support. UST specializes in providing SAP based solutions to the Government/Public Sector including Higher Education and K12 School Districts. Our past experience working with Higher Education & Research organizations has given us a great insight into their business processes and unique requirements.
HER Solution Brief
Based on its extensive domain expertise built in the process of working with numerous Universities/Academic Institutions has allowed UST to build a custom industry specific solution - UST*HER*Enterprise. As a part of its collaborative business partnership with SAP, UST has created a group of industry specific solutions based on SAP's world class software (UST*Enterprise Series) - Higher Education & Research being one of them. The goal of the UST*Enterprise Series is to provide the most comprehensive, robust and highly integrated industry specific solution which not only offers total automation across the enterprise but can also be deployed rapidly and cost effectively.
In building the SAP based Higher Education & Research solution, UST started out with SAP's All In One ERP solution and has pre-configured it with the best industry practices recommended by SAP and UST's own past experience working with Higher Education & Research. In packaging a total solution, UST has integrated a lot of different software, modules, and components so that they all seamlessly work together. However, UST has not stopped there but decided to enhance the solution further. To create additional value, UST has bridged many business gaps and incorporated several new enhancements, reports and interfaces which are unique to Higher Education & Research.
Solution Benefits
>UST has pre-configured and pre-packaged the system with industry specific best business practices, which means that a rapid Implementation methodology can be followed.
>Reduced Implementation Times, faster go live
>Reduced Implementation cost, making SAP affordable and budget friendly
>Enterprise Wide Business Process Templates: based upon SAP recommended industry best practices that can be employed as starting point for your process transformation.
>Data Migration Templates: to facilitate data mapping from the legacy to SAP system and facilitate the data migration process.
>Documentation Templates provided for training and knowledge transfer
>The licensing for the All In One SAP solution is done differently and is very reasonably priced.
Target Customer
Universities and Academic/Research Institutions, preferably with operating budget of 50 Million USD - 500 Million USD.
Application Modules and Business Functionality
>Finance and Controlling
>Materials Management
>Sales and Distribution
>Plant Maintenance
>Project Systems
>HCM (HR/Payroll)
>Student Life Cycle Management
>CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
>Portal and e-governance
>Business Intelligence
>Numerous Reports and Interfaces
Implementation Timeframe
16 weeks - 24 weeks
Please call for price quote. We will need to assess your organizational and system requirements before we can give you a price quote.

UST and Utilities
UST has an extensive and proven track record of working with Utilities industry especially when it comes to SAP implementation, consulting and support. Utilities industry comprising of companies engaged in the business of power, water and gas distribution, is an important industry vertical for UST where it has considerable experience and expertise. Utilities organizations can be both private industry or sometimes Government owned, but irrespective there are some core functional areas like Device Management, Meter Reading, Billing Services and Customer Care that are critical to their business operations. UST has sound experience in the special business requirements of the Utilities industry and addressed them adequately in its Utilities solution.
Utilities Solution Brief
Based on its extensive domain expertise built in the process of working with numerous Utilities customers has allowed UST to build a custom industry specific solution that caters to the specific needs of this industry - UST*Utilities*Enterprise. As a part of its collaborative business partnership with SAP, UST has created a group of industry specific solutions based on SAP's world class software (UST*Enterprise Series) - Utilities being one of them. The goal of the UST*Enterprise Series is to provide the most comprehensive, robust and highly integrated industry specific solution which not only offers total automation across the enterprise but can also be deployed rapidly and cost effectively.
In building the SAP based Utilities solution, UST started out with SAP's All In One ERP solution and has pre-configured it with the best industry practices recommended by SAP and UST's own past experience working with Utilities companies. In packaging a total solution, UST has integrated a lot of different software, modules, and components so that they all seamlessly work together. However, UST has not stopped there but decided to enhance the solution further. To create additional value, UST has bridged many business gaps and incorporated several new enhancements, reports and interfaces which are unique for the Utilities industry.
Solution Benefits
>UST has pre-configured and pre-packaged the system with industry specific best business practices, which means that a rapid Implementation methodology can be followed.
>Reduced Implementation Times, faster go live
>Reduced Implementation cost, making SAP affordable and budget friendly
>Enterprise Wide Business Process Templates: based upon SAP recommended industry best practices that can be employed as starting point for your process transformation.
>Data Migration Templates: to facilitate data mapping from the legacy to SAP system and facilitate the data migration process.
>Documentation Templates provided for training and knowledge transfer
>The licensing for the All In One SAP solution is done differently and is very reasonably priced.
Target Customer
Utilities companies or public utilities, preferably with revenue/ operating budget of 50 Million USD - 500 Million USD.
Application Modules and Business Functionality
>Finance and Controlling
>Materials Management
>Sales and Distribution
>Warehouse Management
>Plant Maintenance
>Project Systems
>HCM (HR/Payroll)
>CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
>Utilities Billing
>Device Management
>Meter Reading
>Customer Care
>Business Intelligence
>Numerous Reports and Interfaces
>EDI Interface
>Barcode/RFID Interface
Implementation Timeframe
24 weeks - 32 weeks
Please call for price quote. We will need to assess your organizational and system requirements before we can give you a price quote.
Building the Next Generation Automotive(Manufacturing) Enterprise
The Discrete Manufacturing industry in general, and the Automotive
segment in particular is of great importance to UST.
UST considers manufacturing as one of the most important drivers
of the economy and job creation.
Business Challenges Facing Automotive Sector
Today's globalization and other industry dynamics are presenting new business challenges for the automotive industry:
>Survive Global Competition
>Need to Reduce Costs
>Respond to Dynamic Market Demands
>Increase operational efficiency
>Manage Quality to Satisfy the Customer and Avoid Expensive Recalls
>Effectively Manage Inventory, Warehouses and Production
>Need Business Intelligence for Effective Decision Making
How do you face these challenges ? UST has partnered with SAP to bring you world class enterprise solutions for the automotive (manufacturing) industry, which will help you meet all these challenges. ERP and Business Intelligence software from SAP provides you the flexibility and scalability you need to succeed in today's business world. You will have the power of enterprise wide integration, total automation and information availability at your finger tips, with the flexibility and scalability only SAP can provide. SAP can provide all the tools and technology you need for business intelligence and enterprise performance management. What's more - SAP can help you with process improvements by implementing the best industry practices which have evolved from doing thousands of implementations around the world.
Along with the proven, world class software from SAP you need the expertise of professionals who can advise and guide you through the complex process of implementing SAP solutions. That's where UST comes in - we can implement SAP solutions for you in a way that transforms your enterprise into a more efficient organization and gives you the maximum return on your investment. When you select UST as your SAP Partner, you get faster implementations, more knowledge, lower risks and better returns.
UST Automotive Center of Excellence
UST has created a Center of Excellence comprised of outstanding individuals who have deep understanding of the automotive business in every area - manufacturing, production planning, sales and distribution, quality management, inventory, warehouse management, financial, accounting, human capital management. Complementing the domain experts are our technical gurus who can help build the complete technical infrastructure for enterprise wide automation including ADC (Automatic Data Capture) solutions based on Barcodes and RFID.
UST understands the needs of the Automotive industry fully and can help meet your business goals:
>Integrate business operations globally
>Achieve operational efficiencies
>Reduce the time for product development and business cycles
>Build and optimize a robust supply chain
>Manage Inventories and reduce costs
>Maximize return on IT investment
>Improve product quality
>Provide enterprise wide application integration and information availability
>Leverage business intelligence and performance management
Based on its extensive domain expertise built in the process of working with numerous Automotive (Manufacturing) customers has allowed UST to build a custom industry specific solution that caters to the specific needs of this industry. In building the SAP based Automotive (Manufacturing) solution, UST started out with SAP's All In One ERP solution and has pre-configured it with the best industry practices recommended by SAP and UST's own past experience working with automotive OEMS and suppliers. In packaging a total solution, UST has integrated a lot of different software, modules, and components so that they all seamlessly work together. However, UST has not stopped there but decided to enhance the solution further. To create additional value, UST has bridged many business gaps and incorporated several new enhancements, reports and interfaces which are unique for the Automotive (Manufacturing) industry.
Achieve Total Business Transformation
>Transform Operational Strategy - Implementing SAP ERP/BI solution can transform your business strategies and help you in strategic decision making.
>Transform Business Processes - UST/SAP lets you take advantage of best industry practices while affording the flexibility to customize the processes as much as you want.
>Transform Technology Infrastructure - UST can transform your technology platform or computing infrastructure from old legacy systems to modern SAP/Netweaver based technologies.
>Transform People/Workforce - UST can train and enrich your people/workforce with the functional and technical knowledge they need to satisfactorily do their jobs and carry out their roles in the organization.
Some of our Automotive (Manufacturing) customers where we have provided our services or solutions are listed below. UST does have some customers which are not on SAP, but instead running on other technology platforms. While UST provides consulting and support on non-SAP platforms also, still when it comes to recommending new ERP/technology platform/ Enterprise Solutions, SAP is our undisputed choice and that is what we recommend. We have marked the SAP based customers with asterisk (*).
>Continental Tires*
>General Motors*
>Angstrom Holdings*
>ABB (Asea Brown Boveri)*
>SKH Metals*
>KML (Krishna Maruti Ltd.)*
>Marimba Autto
Public Sector (Government)

Building the City/County of Tomorrow
The Public Sector (Government) has traditionally been one of UST's focus segment and is one where we have extensive record of participation in a variety of engagements involving different technologies and platforms. UST has the experience of working with all levels of government (Federal/State/County/City) and a wide variety of governmental agencies. Specially, in the local government, we have worked with almost all departments or areas of governance - Finance, Treasury, Real Property Appraisals and Assessment, Property Tax Billing and Collection, Income Tax, Water &Sewerage, Courts, Public Safety Police and Fire), Public Lighting, Planning, Information Technology, Retirement Systems, Human Resource/Payroll, Law, Mayor' Office, County Commissioner's Office, etc. Today's citizen is very aware of his/her rights as a citizen and demands better services from the government and UST believes that it can help Public sector (Government) organizations in implementing systems of e-governance and improving their performance so that they can better serve their constituents.
Business Challenges Facing Public Sector (Government)
>Shrinking budgets and periods of recessions
>Unmaintainable legacy systems
>Need to satisfy constituents- employees, business partners and citizens
>Operational efficiency is missing
>City emergency services are facing pressure
>Citizens' customer service is full of complaints
>Lack of performance management tools
UST Public Sector Consulting Team
UST has an outstanding team of Public Sector (Government) consultants with a majority of consultants covering all functional and technical areas..UST consultants can offer strategy and management consulting services including end to end SAP implementation and support.
UST can help Public Sector (Government) agencies achieve all their business goals:
>Achieve enterprise wide integration of applications, data and processes
>Achieve operational efficiencies
>Improve citizens' customer service
>Improve ICT (Information Communications Technology) Infrastructure which is the backbone for e-governance
>Implement or improve e-governance for employees, citizens and business partners
>Maximize return on IT investment
>Improve public safety by providing ready information and relevant data
>Improve financial and budget planning
>Manage treasury, funds and grants
Considering the special challenges facing Public Sector (Government), UST has partnered with SAP to bring you world class enterprise solutions for public sector (government), which will help you meet most of these challenges. ERP, Business Intelligence and Performance Management software from SAP provides you the flexibility and scalability you need to succeed in today's governance/administration whether you are a city, county, state or Federal agency.
UST recognizes that the mid-size Cit/County (local governments) and other midsize government entities face even more challenges, risks, tighter budgets and very frequently land in financial crisis. That's why UST has developed a pre-configured integrated ERP solution for Public Sector (Government) organizations using SAP's All In One with best industry practices for the Public Sector and and additional SAP solutions like CRM, SAP Public Sector, BI and Performance Management all rolled into one integrated solution (UST*Enterprise*Government). You will have the power of enterprise wide integration, total automation and information availability at your finger tips, with the flexibility and scalability only SAP can provide. SAP can provide all the tools and technology you need for business intelligence and enterprise performance management. What's more - UST/SAP can help you with process improvements by implementing the best industry practices which have evolved from doing thousands of implementations around the world.
Along with the proven, world class software from SAP you need the expertise of professionals who can advise and guide you through the complex process of implementing SAP solutions. That's where UST Consulting Team comes in. We can implement SAP solutions for you in a way that transforms your organization into a more efficient organization and gives you the maximum return on your investment. When you select UST as your SAP Partner, you get faster implementations, more knowledge, lower risks and better returns.
Some of our Public Sector (Government) customers where we have provided our services or solutions are listed below. UST does have some government customers which are not on SAP, who are running on other technology platforms. While UST provides consulting and support on non-SAP platforms also, still when it comes to recommending new ERP/technology platform/ Enterprise Solutions, SAP is our undisputed choice and that is what we recommend. We have marked the SAP based customers with asterisk (*).
State Government
>State of North Carolina*
>State of Louisiana*
>State of Colorado*
>State of Washington*
>State of Pennsylvania*
>State of Mississippi*
Local Government (Cities/Counties)
>Brevard County*
>Tarrant Count*
>Bexar County*
>Gwinett County*
>Wayne County
>Oakland County
Federal Government
>US Navy*
>US Postal Service*
>Bureau of Indian Affairs*
>Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (on GSA Contract)
Higher Education and Research

Building Next Gen Higher Education and Research Institutions
The Higher Education and Research industry primarily comprises the Universities,
Colleges and Post Secondary Academic Institutions and Education Departments.
Business Challenges Higher Education and Research
Here are some of the challenges faced by today's Higher Education and Research organizations:
>Shrinking Grants and Endowments
>Enrollment in many institutions is going down
>Cost of running the colleges/Universities going up, which is driving higher student fees
>Information systems are outdated
>e-governance is lacking
>Performance management tools are lacking
>Operational efficiency is lacking
UST HER Solutions and Services
UST has the solutions and services in place to help Higher Education organizations realize their business goals:
>Achieve operational efficiencies
>Manage Grants and Endowments
>Implement Enterprise solutions - SAP ERP and SLCM for Higher Education
>Implement or improve e-governance for employees, students, parents and business partners
>Maximize return on IT investment
>Implement SAP Business Intelligence and Performance Management Tools
SAP Solutions for Higher Education and Research
As a SAP Channel and Service Partner, UST specializes in providing SAP based solution for Higher Education. Some of the major SAP solutions are listed below:
SAP ERP Solution (Enterprise Resource Planning)
SAP SLCM Solution (Student Life Cycle Management)
>Student Administration
>Student Finance
>Student Portals
SAP Business Intelligence Solution
>Business Objects
UST has developed an integrated, pre-configured ERP solution for HER organizations, based on SAP ERP (All In One), SLCM (Student Life Cycle Management), CRM and Business Intelligence solutions. Based on UST's experience working with Colleges/Universities, it has anticipated their business needs and come up with a pre-packaged solution which can be deployed rapidly and cost -effectively. The implementation time is much faster than traditional ERP implementations and it is all designed to deliver the best value to the customer.
UST has designed and developed a Microsoft technologies based Campus Management System, which is custom designed for the needs of Indian Universities. UST*CMS is a total automation solution for Indian Universities which covers all their business operations from Finance, HR, Purchasing, Library Management to Student Information and much more. UST*CMS is currently sold in India only, through our Indian subsidiary UST Software India Private Ltd.
UST has designed and developed an Examination Control System for the specific needs of Indian Universities and other autonomous institutions which are conducting student exams, processing results and publishing degrees/diplomas. This solution is based on Microsoft technologies and has been received very well by our Indian customers. UST*ECS is currently sold in India only, through our Indian subsidiary UST Software India Private Ltd.
UST has designed and developed a Microsoft technologies based Library Management System. It has all the features and functionalities expected out of a modern library management system. UST*LMS is currently sold in India only, through our Indian subsidiary UST Software India Private Ltd.
Some of our HER customers where we have provided our services or solutions are listed below. UST does have several Higher Education customers which are not on SAP, but running on other technology platforms. While UST provides consulting and support on non-SAP platforms also, still when it comes to recommending new ERP/technology platform/ Enterprise Solutions, SAP is our undisputed choice and that is what we recommend. We have marked the SAP based customers with asterisk (*).
>University of Kentucky*
>Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education(PASSHE)*
>Texas State University*
>Central Michigan University*
>John Hopkins University*
>University of Cincinnati*
>Purdue University*
>Northern Kentucky University
>Ranchi University
>Nilambar Pitambar University
>Lalit Narain Mithila University
>Jamshedpur Women's College
>Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Management
K-12 School Districts

Building the Next Generation K12 Enterprise
The K12 School Districts industry comprises of the numerous autonomous secondary education bodies which administer and run the public school system in United States. There are more than 10,000 school districts in United States, some of which are very large and other which are very small (from an operating budget perspective). UST has had the distinct privilege of working with numerous school districts, helping them with ERP implementation, consulting and support, specially SAP based services and solutions.
Business Challenges K12 School Districts
Some of the challenges faced by today's K12 School Districts are listed below:
>Shrinking budgets with reduced government funding
>Outdated and fragmented Information systems
>Operational efficiency is lacking
>e-governance is lacking
>Performance management tools are lacking
>Regulatory compliance issues are taking too much time
UST K12 Solutions and Services
UST has the solutions and services in place to help K12 School Districts organizations realize their business goals:
>Achieve operational efficiencies
>Manage financials including funds and budget
>Implement Enterprise solutions - SAP ERP, BI and SLCM for K12 School Districts
>Implement or improve e-governance for employees, students, parents and business partners
>Maximize return on IT investment
>Implement SAP Business Intelligence and Performance Management Tools
SAP Solutions for K12 School Districts
As a SAP Channel and Service Partner, UST specializes in providing SAP based solution for K12 School Districts. Some of the major SAP solutions are listed below:
SAP ERP Solution (Enterprise Resource Planning)
SAP SLCM Solution (Student Life Cycle Management)
>Student Administration
>Student Finance
>Student Portals
SAP Business Intelligence Solution
>Business Objects
UST has developed an integrated, pre-configured ERP solution for K12 organizations, based on SAP ERP (All In One), SLCM (Student Life Cycle Management), CRM and Business Intelligence solutions. Based on UST's experience working with K12, it has anticipated their business needs and come up with a pre-packaged solution which can be deployed rapidly and cost -effectively. The implementation time is much faster than traditional ERP implementations and it is all designed to deliver the best value to the customer.
Some of our K12 customers where we have provided our services or solutions are listed below. UST does have several K12 School Districts customers which are not on SAP, but running on other technology platforms. While UST provides consulting and support on non-SAP platforms also, still when it comes to recommending new ERP/technology platform/ Enterprise Solutions, SAP is our undisputed choice and that is what we recommend. We have marked the SAP based customers with asterisk (*).
>Orange County Public Schools*
>School Board of Broward County*
>Duval County School District*
>Miami Dade County Public Schools*
>San Bernardino Unified School District*
>Los Angeles Unified School District*
>Seattle School District*
>Clark County School District*
>Georgia Department of Education*
>West Palm Beach School District

Building the Next Generation Utilities Enterprise
The Utilities industry comprises of both private sector and public sector organizations in the business of
producing and distributing power, water and gas. These companies have a critical need for systems that can
handle customer billing, device management, meter reading and customer care. UST has had extensive
experience helping them with ERP implementation, Utilities billing, consulting and support, specially SAP
based services and solutions.
Business Challenges Utilities
Here are some of the challenges faced by today's Utilities:
>Lot more competition in the industry
>The Utilities industry is highly regulated
>Operational efficiency is lacking
>Billing system is inaccurate or difficult to maintain
>Customer care and satisfaction is low
>Difficult to maintain disruptions and outages
UST Utilities Solutions and Services
UST has the solutions and services in place to help Utilities organizations realize their business goals:
>Achieve operational efficiencies
>Manage core business operations
>Implement enterprise wide solutions for ERP and Utilities Billing/Customer Care
>Adopt system to manage disruptions and outages
>Improve customer care and boost customer satisfaction
>Improve regulatory compliance
>Maximize return on IT investment
>Implement SAP Business Intelligence and Performance Management Tools
SAP Solutions for Utilities
As a SAP Channel and Service Partner, UST specializes in providing SAP based solution for Utilities. Some of the major SAP solutions are listed below:
SAP ERP Solution (Enterprise Resource Planning)
SAP IS-Utilities/CCS
>Utilities Billing
>Device Management
>Student Finance
>Student Portals
SAP Business Intelligence Solution
>Business Objects
UST has developed an integrated, pre-configured ERP solution for Utilities organizations, based on SAP ERP (All In One), IS-Utilities, CRM and Business Intelligence solutions. Based on UST's experience working with Utilities, it has anticipated their business needs and come up with a pre-packaged solution which can be deployed rapidly and cost -effectively. The implementation time is much faster than traditional ERP implementations and it is all designed to deliver the best value to the customer.
Some of our Utilities customers where we have provided our services or solutions are listed below. UST does have several Utilities customers which are not on SAP, but running on other technology platforms. While UST provides consulting and support on non-SAP platforms also, still when it comes to recommending new ERP/technology platform/ Enterprise Solutions, SAP is our undisputed choice and that is what we recommend. We have marked the SAP based customers with asterisk (*).
>South Florida Water Management District*
>Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission*
>Metropolitan Water Reclamation District*
>Fairfax Water*
>DTE Energy*
>Detroit Water and Sewerage Department
>Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission*
>Jusco - Jamshedpur Utility Supply Company*
>Oklahoma Electric and Gas*